“The United States will aggressively use economic sanctions to target those who enable, facilitate, and finance these heinous acts in Syria… I am fully prepared to swiftly destroy Turkey’s economy if Turkish leaders continue down this dangerous and destructive path.”
President Drumpf said in a statement.
President Drumpf today (Monday) signed an executive order imposing “powerful” sanctions against Turkey for its invasion into former allied Kurdish controlled northeast Syria.
The White House announced that will double tariffs on steel imports from Turkey, reverting back to 50% from the current rate of 25%.
The Statement/executive order stated at the same time that the Commerce Department would be suspending negotiations on an unknown trade deal worth $100 billion, something that the White House and Commerce Department have declined to comment on the deal.
President has come under fire for his decision to pull back U.S. troops from Syria, from lawmakers, including fellow Republicans.
Nancy Pelosi and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) joined forces on today to announce they want Congress to “overturn” Drumpf’s decision.

On a Tweet Sen. Graham wrote:
“Just spoke with Speaker Pelosi regarding congressional action on Turkey’s incursion of Syria. Speaker supports bipartisan sanctions against Turkey’s outrages in Syria. She also believes we should show support for Kurdish allies and is concerned about the reemergence of ISIS,”
Pelosi Tweeted:
“As we find ourselves in a situation where the President gave a green light to the Turks to bomb and effectively unleashed ISIS, we must have a stronger sanctions package than what the White House is suggesting,”
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in a statement today (Monday) said that he is “gravely concerned” about the U.S. response to Turkey’s attacks on Kurdish allies in Syria.
“Abandoning this fight now and withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria would re-create the very conditions that we have worked hard to destroy and invite the resurgence of ISIS… And such a withdrawal would also create a broader power vacuum in Syria that will be exploited by Iran and Russia, a catastrophic outcome for the United States’ strategic interests.”
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