Rep. Francis Rooney (R-Fla.) called today on Energy Secretary Rick Perry, in the wake of his resignation announcement, to comply with a House subpoena and cooperate with the impeachment inquiry into the President Drumpf administration’s actions in Ukraine.

Photo taken by Secretary Rick Perry
Senior House Democrats say they won’t let up on their demands for documents and testimonies, at the same time that Energy Secretary Rick Perry, faces a Friday deadline to comply with the subpoena but has not said what he plans to do.
Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee responsible for funding DOE, who sent a text message this morning to House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) asking him to demand testimony from the secretary, said today:

Photo taken by Francis Rooney
“We, as a Congress, need to obtain his trip records and places he traveled, individuals with whom he spoke… I believe Secretary Perry to be a patriot. I have no idea what he’s caught in, if he’s caught up in anything.”
Republican Rep Francis Rooney in an interview with POLITICO, said:
“Everybody that can bring any information to the table ought to testify, so that some huge mistake is not inadvertently made… I’d like to see any evidence that needs to be adduced brought up and made available to people.”
At the same time Republican Rep. Pete Olson from Texas, in an interview at FOX News on Wednesday, prior to Perry’s announcement that he would resign, he said:
“I’m not worried about Rick Perry’s legacy at all… He should do what’s best for Rick Perry and the country. I trust Rick. If he wants to testify, he’ll do that. If he doesn’t, he won’t. My guess is he won’t want to be involved in a witch hunt — he’s seen that before.”
Cover Photo of Energy Secretary Rick Perry taken by Secretary Rick Perry